
Telegram channel for my business. How

and what results could be obtained

from it?

Telegram channel for

my business.How and

what results could be

obtained from it?

Telegram channel

for my business.

How and what

results could be

obtained from it?

aylona dal
The Telegram channel is an additional source of increasing traffic and attracting an audience, it also increases brand recognition and inc customer loyalty. The main thing is to publish High-quality content with readers in mind.

But what does all this mean in practice? We decided to ask neurolinguist Alyona Dahl. Her Telegram channel “5-minute English Grammar” has 19,000 subscribers. This channel was loved by the audience due to its simple format - it streams 1 English language test every day and a one-minute video explaining which answer is still correct.

The idea is at the heart

The idea
is at the heart

In Telegram, people know which channel to subscribe to and what for, so if the channel only aims to sell something right away it is bound to fail. Unlike other social networks, the text format prevails in Telegram, it is more difficult to sell via it than, for example, on Instagram. Therefore, the channel must have an idea, the purpose of its existence.

“I do want Ukraine to be English-speaking. This made me think: “What exactly can I do for this?”. I clearly understood that even if I work 12 hours a day, I will be able to teach only 1000 or 2000 people. But this is not enough, and I will quickly burn out from such a schedule.

To play for a long time, you need to allocate time every day. Truly, every day I can allocate 5 minutes to implement this idea. That's how the channel appeared. These are my daily 5 minutes for global positive changes in society. I don't plan to stop until Ukraine becomes English-speaking!"

In fact, 5 minutes a day over more than 4 years is a lot.
minutes Alyona has already spent just to create content

Short videos in the "here and now" style

Short videos
in the "here and now" style

They provide excellent coverage, because nowadays people do not have the opportunity to read and understand large texts. In social networks, stories and reels collect much more views than long texts. Therefore, the videos should be short, like Alyona's. 1 minute - and everything is clear.

Texts work much worse than videos or pictures.
There are simply tons of text channels on any topic.
Therefore, your channel should be noticeably different from others. My channel has a feature - a short video every day. There are channels that also publish video content, but none has replicated my style and rhythm yet” Alyona shares with us.
Date of creation:
Target audience:
Number of subscribers:
Number of employees:
learning English
30-50 years old, 70% women
1 test per day + 1 video
explanation, 1 min long
4 specialists - 2 content makers, external advertising manager, internal advertising manager

The first thousand

The first thousand

average number of telegram channels people usually subscribe to
In fact, the first subscribers can literally be added manually. As a business owner, you have contacts of important people, clients, partners on your phone. You can simply invite them using the contact book. Yes, it is always pleasant and interesting to observe new initiatives. We asked Alyona how she collected the first subscribers for the  “5-minute English Grammar”  channel:

“Of course, these were my friends and acquaintances. Over time, many of them unsubscribed, my students joined. Friends recommended teach other and that's how the first 100 subscribers came. And then there was mutual PR. It was difficult to dial the first thousand. It was almost 5 years ago, there were few Telegram audiences and people were
reluctant to sign up for them, - Alyona's shares her thoughts.- Later, advertising integrations, mutual PR, paid integrations became more active... This is how we continue to work today. We currently have over 19,000 followers.”

Based on the experience of the  “5-minute English Grammar” channel team, an average of 20 people unsubscribe from the channel every day.Therefore, even in order to at least keep the statistics at the same level, you need to constantly work on collecting subscribers.

And for the
channel to have its own real subscribers who will loyally accept various advertising offers, at least a year of daily useful content - is required.



aylona dal
“On average, a subscriber to my channel costs UAH 6-9. This is an average market price. Sometimes it is more expensive - 20 UAH, then we consider such advertising integration as low-quality. I want to emphasise – that the bigger the channel, the cheaper the subscriber. It seems as if people are less willing to subscribe to small channels,” continues the story of the founder of the Telegram channel.

A minimum of 5,000 UAH per month is required to develop the channel. On average, placing one advertising post in other channels starts from 500 UAH , and for the development of the channel, you need to do 5-10 such posts per month. If the channel is already a little bigger, then part of the costs can be covered by mutual PR, but it works when you have at least 1000 subscribers.

Crossing the bar of 2000 subscribers is a real challenge for a new channel. Only a few people succeed in this, if they do not have an external budget or a project that is ready to provide subsidies for the development of the channel.

Advertising and collaborations

Advertising and collaborations

people unsubscribe from the channel after each advertisement on the channel
Alyona says: “I have a person in my staff who is responsible for advertising integrations of our channel. We are often offered with proposals for mutual PR, we pay attention to the target audience and make decisions. If the integration worked effectively, we repeat the cooperation every 4-5 months. Since Telegram introduced the invite link, advertising integrations have become really easy to track.”

Mutual PR works if the target audience is selected correctly. There are peaks of activity: November, December, May and September which are pretty active months. Then the administrators of the  “5-minute English Grammar” channel receive the most requests for placing advertisements during that time.

Therefore, the administrators of all successful resources are usually very demanding about the advertising content in their feed and immediately include the unsubscribe from their audience in the price list.

Does it worth it or not?

Does it worth it or not?

5 min english
Running your own Telegram channel is always difficult. You have to love it a lot. Potentially - Telegram is a very promising social network. It gives direct access to the subscriber, does not rank advertising campaigns.

Even when you agree on advertising with a blogger on Instagram, you still never know how many views will be reached on the day of the advertisement and how many people will actually see it.

When you agree on advertising with the owner of the Telegram channel, unlike Facebook or Instagram, you do not have to deal with algorithms. In Telegram, you get directly into people's phones, into their messengers, into a more personal space.

You can develop your own Telegram channel for absolutely no money, you just need to be passionate enough about the idea and enjoy the process. the growth of the channel will definitely need budgets and full-fledged management, though.
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